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💰️ Taking the ‘Fun’ out of ‘Litigation Funding’


In today’s email:

  • Interest rates go up (shock!)

  • Are fast food ads lying to you?

  • Watch TV from your childhood

  • Litigation funders aren’t having fun

  • AstraZeneca gets a new pair of genes

  • The most addictive game on the internet

  • Jones Day and Freshfields build the train of the future

  • Facebook gets caught stealing data from its users, again

  • Magic Circle revenues go up but they’re making less money

… and more!

If you take just one thing from this email…

Imagine you’ve been wronged and want to sue someone for a big amount of money. There are companies called litigation funders that will help you pay for that. Why? Well, they can afford better lawyers than you can, so they’ll give you the best chance of winning. In return, they’ll ask for a proportion of the money you receive as compensation. These guys are profit-making companies but, generally, they’re good for regular people cause they can give them the financial fire power to compete with the big corporations.


I saw this tweet about a class action false advertising lawsuit in New York against Taco Bell (you can read the actual complaint that was filed here).

The claim is that Taco Bell advertise that their food will look like this 👇️ đŸ˜‹ 

But it ends up looking like this 👇️ đŸ¤Ż 

So, what do you think?…

Are these sorts of differences just to be expected when buying from fast food places like Taco Bell, which are moving fast to sell a lot of volume?

Or is this actually false advertising?

Is Taco Bell guilty of false advertising?

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- Idin

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💰️ Taking the ‘Fun’ out of ‘Litigation Funding’

What’s going on here?

Litigation funders are companies that pay the claimant’s costs in a lawsuit in exchange for a share of any payout from the case.

This week, the UK’s Supreme Court ruled that the agreements litigation funding companies are using with their clients are unenforceable.

So, that basically pulls the rug from underneath all these litigation funders and all the people who were relying on them to fund their case.

What do litigation funders do?

Litigation funders are companies that pay the costs for of a legal case in exchange for a share of any money won in the case.

What’s in it for the funders? The funders will hear out a case and if they think it’s got a strong chance of a big payout, they’ll pay for top lawyers to help out. If the case is won, they’ll get a portion of the payout.

What’s in it for the recipient? Well, they’ll get you better lawyers than you could probably afford yourself. Also, they make the whole thing less risky because you don’t pay them back if you lose.

They usually fund big class-action claims against major companies including Mastercard, Apple and BT — so the role funders play is important.

What’s the Supreme Court’s beef?

Say you’re an English lawyers and you’re helping someone with a case. You agree that your fee will be a percentage of the amount that you win for them. That’s called a damages-based agreements (or DBA).

DBAs need to satisfy certain strict conditions (if you want to nerd out by reading the relevant section of the Act, here you go!).

The Court said that all the agreements that litigation funders have in place with their clients are considered DBAs.

The issue is most of these agreements that the litigation funders use do not satisfy the DBA requirements — so they’re unenforceable.

What are the lawyers saying?

  • 🗣️ Alice Darling (senior associate at Clifford Chance): “Litigation funding has become increasingly prevalent in recent years across all industries and types of claims, and this decision has rendered many funding agreements currently in place unenforceable.”

  • 🗣️ Tim West (commercial litigation partner at Ashurst): “[Litigation funders will need to] move quickly to review and potentially replace their funding arrangements and ensure they are in an acceptable form. Otherwise, there is a risk their action could be dismissed as existing claims will not be immune from today’s decision”.

  • 🗣️ Glenn Newberry (head of costs and litigation funding at Eversheds Sutherland): “[The decision] will send shockwaves through the funding industry and may lead to number of smaller operators going out of business”.

What’s the big picture effect?

For litigation funders: Most of their agreements with their clients are unenforceable. So, funders need to act fast to solve this issue in one of two ways:

  1. Sign new agreements that do tick all the DBA requirements, or

  2. Get creative with their agreements so the payout that the funder receives isn’t related to damages (for example, by agreeing to receive a multiple of the amount invested instead).

Both of these routes will mean that existing claims where litigation funders are involved are going to be delayed, which means courts are going to be delayed — that’s why some people think the Supreme Court has kind-of shot itself in the foot with this decision.

For me and you: Generally, litigation funders back class action claims against big corporations that have been acting badly. They don’t do this out of kindness - they do this cause it gives them most money. BUT, fewer litigation funders = more freedom for corporations to act badly (at least in theory).


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